Tag Archives: digestive health

Bad Actors

by in Articles, Digestion and Immunity March 21, 2023

We mention “bad actors” frequently on our website because there are so many of them in the industrialized food supply. It is our goal to raise awareness about this fact so that we might contribute to improving your health. To better understand what these bad actors are and why they are a problem, keep reading. Gluten Gluten is a blessing and a curse. It is responsible for giving bread and other baked goods their wonderfully chewy, elastic texture. However, recent evidence tells us that it is also very difficult to digest and responsible for immune activation and leaky gut in many individuals. Gluten works in bread by forming an elastic web, which traps air and carbon dioxide during baking, leading to a fluffy, squishy lattice. This makes for fantastic texture in baked goods. Just think of a fresh-baked, still steaming roll. Gluten works in your small intestine by binding to special receptors that signal a hormone to loosen the tight junctions between the cells there. This makes for less-than-fantastic opportunities for gluten and the other bad actors to trigger an immune response, causing damage to your cells. Just think of bloating, indigestion and gut pain. The long-term effects of gluten exposure are worse than indigestion and gut pain, though. Researchers have theorized that repeatedly weakening the tight junctions of your gut by exposing it to gluten almost continually could be one of the steps to autoimmune diseases. Lectins Plant lectins are a blessing for plants but a curse for all of us. Lectins are found in nearly 40% of the American food supply but wheat is the worst source. Plants evolved these lectins to work as deterrents to their predators. They are proteins that are really good at sticking to the sugars in our cells. After they are good and stuck, they can actually destroy the cells they are stuck to. Just like gluten, this creates opportunity for lectins and other bad actors to get past the wall and into the bloodstream Again, researchers fear that over time and with repeated exposure, this weakening of the integrity of the gut wall could open the door for chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. We call lectins ninjas because they have been secretly assassinating cells in our gut for a long time. The science shining a light on these ninjas is called lectinology and is relatively new. Lectinology has found that we can protect ourselves from these ninjas by using decoy sugars.  Bad Yeast and Bacteria Our bodies are home to billions of bacteria and yeast all of the time. Most of the time, they are helping us by digesting things that we can’t, making vitamins, and boosting our immune system. Sometimes, however, certain yeast and bacteria can get out of control and cause problems. Think of the situation like a house party. Lots of people are there and most of them are having a great time and improving the atmosphere with their jolliness and good mood. But there are always a few people at parties that just have to take it too far. They drink too much, they make too much noise, they go into parts of the house you asked them not to and sometimes they break stuff. Your gut is just like that – most of the yeast and bacteria are there having a great time and making the place better but there are a few of the party goers that will take it too far if given the chance. A way to prevent this is by taking a high quality probiotic. The term probiotic is a fancy way of saying “good bacteria.” Probiotics are like a really well thought out party invite list. You’re putting only good, well behaved bacteria into your gut so that everyone has a great time and the environment is made better. Undigested Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins It is a little unfair of us to call these bad actors because they are just foods that are minding their own business but accidentally find themselves where they are not wanted. The immune system is not particularly understanding about things being where they are not supposed to be in the body. Undigested foods that stumble through the holes in a leaky gut get treated just like any other invader. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins need to be broken down into their building blocks before the body can use them. When gluten or lectins put holes in the wall, sometimes these foods slip through before they are small enough to be used and this can activate the immune system. There are two good ways to minimize the risk of this happening: heal the gut wall and provide extra enzymes to more quickly break these foods down. Enzymes are chemicals that the body uses to break foods into small enough parts for absorption. As you know, not all foods are created nutritionally equal. This applies to the digestibility of foods as well. We’ve covered how gluten and lectins are resistant to digestion but they are not the only ones: Lactose, the sugar found in dairy products, and phytate, the storage form of phosphorus in plants, can also be difficult to break down.

Lectins: The Gluten-Lectin-Leaky Gut Connection

by in Articles, Leaky Gut February 20, 2023

After reading hundreds of articles and research papers, we started to come across several papers and theories that seemed like the pieces of a puzzle whose image was hidden. After several years and much effort, the pieces finally started fitting together to reveal a compelling picture. The following is our interpretation of what may be behind the increase in autoimmune and food-related disorders: Though it is a complicated, poorly understood, and controversial condition, we believe that leaky gut syndrome is highly relevant and may play a crucial role in the development of celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, psoriasis  and much more. We understand that leaky gut syndrome is a widely debated condition and that not all health professionals believe it to be related to (or a direct cause of) disease. As research progresses, many doctors, dietitians, and researchers are becoming aware of the condition and seek ways to test for and treat it. If you haven’t heard of leaky gut syndrome, please read below: Leaky gut syndrome is the easier-to-say term for increased intestinal wall permeability. It just means that gut wall is easier to cross than it should be. The gut wall begins to be more porous and develop holes. Basically, your gut is leaking things it shouldn’t into your bloodstream. Leaky gut is thought to be caused or worsened by certain components of foods (more on that later), cytotoxic drugs, NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), irradiation of food, antibiotics, unbalanced gut flora, excessive alcohol consumption and compromised immunity. How It Works The intestinal lining is on the front lines of our immune system. We like to think of it as castle wall – we let the drawbridge down for visitors we know (like food and resource deliveries) but we leave it up to keep out invaders. The other layers of this sophisticated defense is called the epithelium. A single layer of epithelial cells normally stay connected together by tight junctions. These tight junctions are how the passage of nutrients is regulated in the digestive tract. The epithelial cells in the gut are tipped with finger-like projections called villi. When food is digested, villi absorb the nutrients and transport them through the epithelial cell into the bloodstream. When the digestive process is functioning normally, the tight junctions stay closed and only nutrients are allowed to pass through into the blood stream. When something goes wrong, the tight junctions become permeable or “open” and allow un-screened molecules through the border and into the bloodstream. Examples of things that can get through in this situation are bacteria, pathogens, yeast, incompletely digested food, lectins and more. That’s why we call it a leaky gut. As this process continues over time, the intestinal lining can become damaged and even leakier, allowing even more “undesirables” through the intestinal wall and directly into the bloodstream. Typically, this increase in offenders in the blood will make the liver and kidneys work that much harder to filter it all out. As the gut becomes increasingly damaged, the liver or kidneys may not be able to keep up with the constant flow of bacteria, pathogens, yeast, undigested macro-nutrients and waste products escaping through the gut lining. As more invaders get through, overworking and overwhelming liver and kidneys, they are able to wreak havoc systemically (throughout the body). When these offenders attach to the cells lining the gut, an immune response is triggered which can lead to collateral damage of healthy cells. This can lead to another chain of events in which the immune system begins to recognize certain molecules from food as invaders, calls for an immune response whenever you eat those foods, which can then cause even more collateral damage. This collateral damage can be experienced as bloating, cramps, diarrhea, inflammation, joint pain, skin rashes, headaches, malabsorption and more. As the result of continuous immune response and corresponding collateral damage, the gut becomes more and more damaged. If you are frequently eating foods that it recognizes as an invader – it has no time to heal. Healthy cells are destroyed and those microvilli we talked about earlier are not able to do their job, which prevents your body from getting all the nutrients that you need, which in turn leads to all sorts of problems such as a weakened immune system or nutritional deficiencies. To make matters worse, as your immune systems weakens, you become more susceptible to illness from the stream of junk (toxins, bacteria, pathogens, etc.) flowing through your leaky gut. If this vicious cycle continues for weeks or months or years, you body may ultimately end up fighting itself, potentially leading to the initiation of autoimmune diseases such as as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, vasculitis, urticaria (hives), alopecia areata, polymyalgia rheumatica, Raynaud’s syndrome, vitiligo, thyroiditis, and Sjogren’s syndrome. With me so far? Great! Let’s go deeper and talk about the probable triggers that start off this awful process. The Hidden Causes Some of the most interesting emerging research regarding digestion and autoimmune disease has to do with a few factors that could be triggers for opening the draw bridge (tight junctions) of the gut. A few key factors that appear to be the likely causes of leaky gut are zonulin, gluten (the gliadin portion), and some lectins. Zonulin Zonulin is a protein that modulated the permeability of the tight junctions in the gut. So far, it is the only “key” that we know the human body produces. Zonulin upregulation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases including celiac and type 1 diabetes. Zonulin is currently being studied as a potential target for celiac treatment. Gliadin Gliadin (1/2 of the protein complex we commonly refer to as gluten) has been shown to active (upregulate) zonulin signaling in everyone, regardless of celiac status, leading to the opening of tight junctions in the gut and leading to increased gut permeability. Gliadin is found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale, which are all grains found nearly everywhere in our modern food supply. There are three main types

Heal Your Gut – with Chitosan

by in Articles, Digestion and Immunity November 5, 2022

Feeling and looking great is everyone’s dream. DigestShield® makes that dream easier! DigestShield® works to make your life better in four big ways. Serrapeptase and AN-PEP enzymes break down gluten before it can cause any damage to your gut or cause you to have any of the awful symptoms of gluten sensitivity. (1) General digestive enzymes make sure that you’re getting the best nutrition possible from what you eat and prevent other common dietary irritants like wheat, soy, and dairy from giving you trouble. (2) Eleven types of probiotics work to heal your gut and crowd out bad bacteria or yeast that you have wreaking havoc in your gut.(3) (4) Vegetarian chitosan protects you from dangerous proteins found in wheat and it binds up fat in the gut reducing the amount that is absorbed .(5)(6) Was the second bit of #4 a surprise? Yes. DigestShield® can help you lose weight. We include a healthy dose of vegetarian-derived, ultra-low molecular weight chitosan in every capsule of DigestShield®. The molecular weight is important because in clinical trials, the lower the molecular weight of the chitosan used, the greater its binding capability. (6-8) The vegetarian chitosan in our formula has the lowest molecular weight of any digestive product on the market at just 3000 Daltons! The chitosan found in typical shrimp or crab shell-derived chitosan, used in glucosamine chondroitin formulas is approximately 300,000 Da. Studies have shown that chitosan binds to fat in the gut and prevents it from being absorbed as well. This means that you can lose a few pounds just by taking DigestShield® without making any other changes. Protection from gluten, relief from digestive ills, and a weight loss boost all in one! Ehren J, e. (2015). A food-grade enzyme preparation with modest gluten detoxification properties. – PubMed – NCBI . Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Mahan, L. Kathleen., Escott-Stump, Sylvia., Raymond, Janice L.Krause, Marie V. (Eds.) (2012) Krause’s food & the nutrition care process /St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier/Saunders Sanders, M., Guarner, F., Guerrant, R., Holt, P., Quigley, E., & Sartor, R. et al. (2013). An update on the use and investigation of probiotics in health and disease. Gut, 62(5), 787-796. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2012-30250 Linsalata M, e. (2004). The influence of Lactobacillus brevis on ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine profiles in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa. – PubMed – NCBI .Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Retrieved 12 October 2015, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15068419 Sharon, Nathan, and H Lis. Lectins. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007. Print. Zhang, J., Xia, W., Liu, P., Cheng, Q., Tahi, T., Gu, W., & Li, B. (2010). Chitosan Modification and Pharmaceutical/Biomedical Applications.Marine Drugs, 8(7), 1962-1987. doi:10.3390/md8071962 Y, S. (2016). Low molecular weight chitosan inhibits obesity induced by feeding a high-fat diet long-term in mice. – PubMed – NCBI . Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Trivedi, V., Satia, M., Deschamps, A., Maquet, V., Shah, R., Zinzuwadia, P., & Trivedi, J. (2015). Single-blind, placebo controlled randomised clinical study of chitosan for body weight reduction.Nutrition Journal, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12937-016-0122-8

What is Phytate?

by in Articles October 31, 2022

Phytate or phytic acid is simply the storage form of phosphorus in plants. It has been identified as an anti-nutrient or bad actor in our diet because we lack the proper enzyme, phytase, to convert it to usable phosphorus. It has a tendency to bind to important mineral nutrients like calcium, iron, and zinc, making them unavailable for use in the body. The enzyme Phytase can be supplemented and will convert phytic acid into a form of phosphorus that the body can use. Every capsule of DigestShield® contains Phytase specifically for this job. Phytate is found in many plants but is heavily concentrated in grains such as wheat, potatoes and nuts. Beans, including soy, contain high concentrations of phytate. Note that all of these are also sources of lectins.   PHYTATE MOLECULE   Because it is found in so many plant foods, the best way to prevent phytate from stealing calcium, iron and zinc from you is to take a supplement containing phytase. This gives your body the tools it needs to convert phytate to a beneficial form of the nutrient phosphorus. Phytase  Phytase is the enzyme that is required to convert phytate into a usable form of phosphorous for the body. Ruminant animals like cows, and certain probiotics like Lactobacillus salivarius, produce phytase but humans do not. Because of this inability by the human body, we have included phytase and L. salivarius in DigestShield® to help you deal with the phytate in your diet. [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Gut Flora – What is it?

by in Articles, Digestion and Immunity July 21, 2022

Gut flora refers to both good and bad bacteria living in our gut. The number of bacteria living on and inside of each and every one of us is estimated to be 10 times greater than the number of our own cells.  In the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that the specific makeup of one’s gut flora plays a huge role in their health and happiness. There are good bacteria, bad bacteria, and bacteria that can be either depending on how many of them colonize you. What is Gut Flora? The term gut flora refers to the bacteria that live in your gut. There are thousands of species of bacteria that have been found in the gut and everyone’s gut flora is different. We get some of our gut flora from our mother during birth but the rest of the flora comes from a combination of our environment, the foods we eat and the choices we make. Balance is important because, just like people, different kinds of bacteria behave differently and optimal health derives in part from having the right ratio of the right kinds of flora. What Does Gut Flora Do? In the past, it was thought that fermentation of fiber was the primary function of gut microbes. Indeed, our gut flora ferments the carbohydrates that make it through the small intestine and into the large intestine. This is how they eat. The fermentation process is how they extract nutrients from our food. The byproduct of fermentation is gas (yes, that kind of gas) and that is why we feel bloated after eating something that is poorly digested like gluten or dairy or fibrous vegetables. Recently, we have discovered that gut flora is responsible for so much more than fermentation. Researchers are finding more and more evidence in favor of the idea that the specific makeup of a person’s gut flora has very real effects on their immune system, mood, food preferences and maybe even weight. These tiny organisms are able to control these aspects of our lives by chemically signaling our bodies to release hormones that can activate the immune system, affect our mood or trigger cravings for certain foods. How Do I Balance My Gut Flora? The key to balancing your gut flora is getting the right mix of bacteria into your system. The easiest way to get this variety is by taking a high-quality probiotic supplement. When selecting a supplement, choose one that has a good variety of strains rather than a huge number of one or two strains. The mix of strains is more important than the number of colony-forming units (CFUs). DigestShield® provides the ideal blend of 11 probiotics, 20 digestive enzymes, and 5 potent prebiotics to create the best possible digestive support. After you try it, you’ll believe it.  

Gluten and Flour

by in Articles, Gluten October 30, 2021

We’ve identified gluten as a potential cause of leaky gut syndrome, chronic inflammation and possibly a key factor in autoimmune diseases. Gluten is found in anything made from wheat, barely or rye including breads, cupcakes, muffins, bagels, cakes and the like. However, these things do not contain the same levels of concentration of gluten due to differences in flour composition. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common flours, what they are used for and how full of gluten they are. Processing  Before we get into the different types of flours, let’s talk about a few common terms associated with the processing of grains into flours. Grinding grains into a fine powder makes flours. Over the years, processors have further refined grains by removing portions of the hull before grinding and have found that adding certain chemicals to the flour can change the color, texture or both. Refined vs. Whole  When someone says that a flour is “refined”, they don’t mean that the flour likes classical music and afternoon tea. The term refined is referring to how much of the grain has been removed prior to grinding. Wheat and other flour grains have three parts: the bran, the endosperm, and the germ. The bran, or hull, is the outer layer and contains most of the grain’s fiber. The endosperm is the largest portion and contains most of the carbohydrate of the grain — it is the energy storage for the germ. The germ is the portion of the grain that actually sprouts. Refined grains have had the bran and the germ removed so that the endosperm is all that remains. This will render the finished product softer in texture and lighter in color. It also removes almost all of the fiber and B vitamins found in the grain. Most of the gluten found in bread is in the endosperm so refining does not make grains any safer from a gluten perspective. Whole grain flour is just that – whole. In this process, the complete grain has been ground into flour so it contains the bran, endosperm and germ. This results in flour that is tougher in texture and darker in color. The resulting product will be more fibrous, contain more B vitamins and be tougher than products made from refined flours. The gluten content, however, is similar in refined and whole-wheat products. Bleaching Bleaching refers to adding a chemical that actually makes the flour lighter in color. Though chlorine gas is one of the things used to bleach grains, the term comes from the color-changing properties, not because actual bleach is used. There are many different agents used to bleach grains including benzoyl peroxide, chlorine gas, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and azodicarbonamide. If you choose to continue to eat grains, you should try to avoid any processed with azodicarbonamide because it transforms into two potentially carcinogenic compounds when baked. Maturing  Another process commonly employed by grain producers is maturing. Maturing is the process of adding a chemical agent to the grain to increase or decrease the development of gluten. Because gluten is the protein in flour responsible for much of the texture of baked goods, its development will affect the texture of the final product. Some common maturing agents are potassium bromate, ascorbic acid, chlorine gas, and azodicarbonamide. You’ll notice that some of these are both bleaching agents and maturing agents. Potassium bromate should be avoided if possible for the same reasons as azodicarbonamide: it can cause cancer in humans. Types of Flours (In Order of Gluten Content) Cake Flour As the name implies, this flour is used for making cakes and has the finest texture and lowest gluten content of all of the common flour types. It is so fine that it almost has a silky texture. Because of its very low protein (gluten) content, it is mostly starch and yields very soft and fluffy products. It is roughly 6-7 percent gluten by weight. Pastry Flour Though it has very similar properties to cake flour, pastry flour is more well-suited for the specific texture of pastries – crisp but soft. Both cake and pastry flours can be used to make cookies, cakes, pastries, and crackers. Pastry flour is roughly 9 percent gluten. All-Purpose Flour This, as you may have guessed, is the most commonly used flour. It is about 11 percent gluten and is the flour usually used to make breads. Because of the higher gluten content, it will yield a denser, tougher product than pastry or cake flour. Whole Grain Flour This is flour ground from the whole grain, not just the endosperm. Because the bran or hull is included, products made using whole grain flour will be even more dense and tough than products made with all-purpose flour. Whole grain flour is typically unbleached as well so the baked goods will be darker than products made from the other types of flour. High-Gluten Flour So, flours are not very interestingly named. High-gluten flour is upwards of 15 percent gluten. This flour is also most often used for bread making but is not as commonly used as all-purpose flour. The higher protein content means lower carbohydrate content so it is sometimes used to make breads for diabetics. They All Contain Gluten It would be wonderful to say that cakes, due to the low gluten content of cake flour, are not causing the same problems as other baked goods. However, even this small concentration of gluten in cake flour is still probably enough to cause at least temporary leaky gut issues. That means that the gluten in all of the other flours will as well. As we’ve said before, the best way to protect yourself from the gluten in baked goods is to simply stop eating them. Of course, this is not as simple as it sounds. Not only are these foods delicious, they are everywhere in our food supply. Unless you are able to completely eliminate baked goods and the other bad actors from your diet,

Heartburn Medication can be Dangerous

by in Articles, Digestion and Immunity January 21, 2016

Heartburn, also referred to as indigestion or acid reflux, is just one of the many digestive issues that have become increasingly common. It is a painful burning sensation in the chest or abdomen caused by stomach acid burning the sensitive tissue of the esophagus. Of course, Big Pharma has an answer for this discomfort and like many of their other answers, the risks outweigh the benefits. Heartburn Medication – is it Dangerous? All of the over-the-counter (OTC) heartburn medications on the market work by reducing or weakening the acid in our stomach. This is like turning off your fire alarm because the sound hurts your ears rather than putting out the fire! Stomach acid serves many important functions for both digestion and immunity and both suffer when it is suppressed. The protein-digesting enzyme pepsin needs a very acidic environment to work. Stomach acid provides this as it typically has a pH of 1.3 to 1.5. This level of acidity also serves to destroy many of the harmful bacteria in and on our food. The chronic use of OTC heartburn medications has been linked to several serious outcomes. Pneumonia  When we lay down to sleep, it is common for small amounts of the fluid in the stomach to travel up the esophagus to the junction where the windpipe and esophagus meet. Some of this fluid can then get into the lungs. This is a normal occurrence, even in healthy people. It can cause pneumonia in those with weakened stomach acid because the fluid found in the stomach is typically acidic enough to kill any pathogenic bacteria that may be carried in with our food. If that acid is weakened, these bacteria are free to multiply and then can be transported to the lungs, potentially causing an infection. Deadly Diarrhea   The bacteria Clostridium difficile (C. diff.) causes severe, potentially deadly diarrhea. The most common way that people are infected with this bacteria is by swallowing it. Normally, stomach acid destroys C. diff. before it can colonize and infect you. Long-term use of OTC heartburn medication has been linked to a greater risk of C. diff. because more of the bacteria survive the trip through the stomach and into the intestine. Bone Problems  Stomach acid also allows proper absorption of calcium because an acidic environment is required to break calcium down enough for absorption. If the acid in the stomach is not strong enough, it could lead to an inability to fully absorb calcium and, over time, weaker bones. In fact, researchers have found a link between long-term use of OTC heartburn medication and hip fractures. B12 Deficiency  In order for the body to use vitamin B12, it must first be separated from the protein that it is typically bound to in food. What separates it? You guessed it. Stomach acid! It is well known that the use of heartburn medication puts one at risk for B12 deficiency. It is now common practice for physicians to monitor B12 levels of patients using this class of medications.   Possible Side Effects of Prevacid dizziness, confusion; fast or uneven heart rate; jerky muscle movements; feeling jittery; diarrhea that is watery or bloody; muscle cramps, muscle weakness or limp feeling; cough or choking feeling; or seizure; headache; nausea, stomach pain; mild diarrhea; or constipation. Possible Side Effects of Pepcid easy bruising or bleeding; fast or pounding heartbeat; confusion, hallucinations, seizure; numbness or tingly feeling; or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation; dry mouth; dizziness, weakness, mood changes; headache; or muscle cramps, joint pain. Possible Side Effects of Nexium dizziness, confusion; fast or uneven heart rate; jerking muscle movements; jittery feeling; diarrhea that is watery or bloody; muscle cramps, muscle weakness or limp feeling; cough or choking feeling; or seizure (convulsions); headache, drowsiness; mild diarrhea; nausea, stomach pain, gas, constipation; or dry mouth. Possible Side Effects of Tagamet cough, fever, chest congestion, trouble breathing; red or blistering skin rash; jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness; feeling faint, light-headed, disoriented, or confused; urinating less than usual; irregular heartbeat; a rash feeling dizzy, depressed, or agitated; breast swelling or tenderness (in men); joint or muscle pain; mild skin rash; headache; diarrhea, nausea, or constipation. Possible Side Effects of Zantac chest pain, fever, feeling short of breath, coughing up green or yellow mucus; easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness; fast or slow heart rate; problems with your vision; fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; or nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); headache (may be severe) drowsiness, dizziness; sleep problems (insomnia); decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm; or swollen or tender breasts (in men); nausea, vomiting, stomach pain; or diarrhea or constipation. Possible Side Effects of Prilosec diarrhea that is watery or bloody; or low magnesium (dizziness, confusion, fast or uneven heart rate, jerking muscle movements, jittery feeling, muscle cramps, muscle weakness or limp feeling, cough or choking feeling, seizure) fever; cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat; stomach pain, gas; nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea; or headache. A Better Way  That burning, painful sensation that you are experiencing after eating could well be a sign that you are having a negative reaction to gluten. Studies have shown that heartburn/acid reflux/indigestion and GERD are strongly associated with gluten sensitivity. Gluten causes inflammation in the gut but is also associated with inflammation and damage in other parts of the body. When the esophagus becomes inflamed, it is more sensitive to damage from stomach acid. By protecting yourself from gluten and lectins, you can stop the inflammation, stop the damage and stop the pain.  DigestShield® works to break down gluten, dairy and problem ingredients in processed food that can cause inflammation. It also helps to support the immune system and allows the gut to heal. The proprietary blend of enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics in DigestShield® work synergistically to protect your gut and promote optimal digestion in
