
What is Phytate?

by in Articles October 31, 2022

Phytate or phytic acid is simply the storage form of phosphorus in plants. It has been identified as an anti-nutrient or bad actor in our diet because we lack the proper enzyme, phytase, to convert it to usable phosphorus. It has a tendency to bind to important mineral nutrients like calcium, iron, and zinc, making them unavailable for use in the body. The enzyme Phytase can be supplemented and will convert phytic acid into a form of phosphorus that the body can use. Every capsule of DigestShield® contains Phytase specifically for this job.

Phytate is found in many plants but is heavily concentrated in grains such as wheat, potatoes and nuts. Beans, including soy, contain high concentrations of phytate. Note that all of these are also sources of lectins.


What is Phytate



Because it is found in so many plant foods, the best way to prevent phytate from stealing calcium, iron and zinc from you is to take a supplement containing phytase. This gives your body the tools it needs to convert phytate to a beneficial form of the nutrient phosphorus.


Phytase is the enzyme that is required to convert phytate into a usable form of phosphorous for the body. Ruminant animals like cows, and certain probiotics like Lactobacillus salivarius, produce phytase but humans do not. Because of this inability by the human body, we have included phytase and L. salivarius in DigestShield® to help you deal with the phytate in your diet.


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