About Us

Creating a Digestive Aid

Many ailments and their symptoms can be traced directly to something in our diet. It is not normal to suffer from low-grade pain, skin disorders, bloating, indigestion, low energy, brain fog, joint pain or any other symptoms that people “live with”.

It is only recently that awareness is being raised about the role that wheat may play in causing these and other symptoms. But it is not just glutenin and gliadin, the two main elements of wheat gluten. There are other “bad actors” in our diet that, when combined with less-than-ideal eating habits and our “modern” food supply, create a perfect storm of discomfort or disease.

Most of us reach for an antacid, a dairy pill, a gas pill, an anti-inflammatory, or a pharmaceutical. We treat the symptom and keep going.

The creation of DigestShield® is the result of the personal experience that Steve and Sheridan Nice, co-founders of Shield Nutraceuticals, had with stomach pain, joint pain and occasional brain fog. An honest quest for answers started with research into the sudden rise of gluten sensitivity and lead to awareness of how dramatically many foods can affect us.

Create and offer products that help people. That’s all.

Always do the right thing. Value relationships above all. Treat people the way we choose to be treated. Use our time and talent to help others.Innovate & enjoy the journey.

Steve and Sheridan reached out for expert advice and found Dr. Audrey Depelteau, Director of the East Tennessee State University Innovation Lab. She, in turn, introduced them to a Ph.D., Nutritional Biochemist (Andy Clark) and a Ph.D, Dissolution Chemist and Pharmacist (Chuck Collins) who eventually created DigestShield®.

They spent two years developing a powerful and unique digestive aid that addresses problems associated with the digestion of Gluten, Casein, Dairy, Carbohydrates (including FODMAPS), Fat, and Protein. DigestShield® is a proprietary blend of Enzymes, Prebiotics, and Probiotics that work synergistically to provide the digestive support you need. Eat the foods you love again!

Note: This product is a digestive aid only. It is not intended to help sufferers of celiac disease.  
